
How To Easily Grow Your Direct Sales Business Faster Than Ever Before... Without Having A Huge Following, Messaging Friends & Family On The Daily, Or Making A Top 100 List.

I probably don’t need to tell you this, but…
Nothing will annoy your family and friends more than constantly pestering them about your business.
If you’re reading this, you probably already discovered this cold hard truth for yourself.
I bet your upline told you all about the 3-foot rule AKA everyone within 3-feet of you is a prospect.
👎 But sliding into the DM’s of 30 strangers a day doesn’t feel that great.
👎 Creating an online group and inviting all 2,576 people on your friends list doesn’t work.
👎 And talking about what you do whenever the chance arises only gets crickets in return (and even they’re not interested).
Yeah, girl. Keep this up and everyone will want to stay 30 feet away from you. 🙃
Seriously, imagine being blacklisted by your coworkers and your best friend because you kept hassling them about your big opportunity? #Yikes

Oh, and I know they probably told you rejection gets easier and easiest to accept as time goes on. And sure, maybe it doesn't. But it never stops sucking.

Especially when the person ignoring your texts and DM’s... is your own mom. 😬
No matter what your upline says, you should NOT be looking at everyone as a potential customer or new recruit. 
Especially since there’s a much better way to start building your team, training your downline and finally turn a profit on that big passion of yours.
And it doesn’t involve stepping out of your introverted comfort zone by talking to 100 people a day. 

Or spending all day and all night posting product pics and hoping someone clicks and buys. 

Or bringing up your business at dinner between the first and second course...
🥁🥁🥁 Now Introducing…


This FREE Masterclass will teach you EXACTLY how to grow, scale and recession-proof your business starting right now. 🏁

BTW, I’m an online girl. So I’m teaching you how to do all of this with just a laptop and some good ol’ Wi-Fi.

Which means you get to grow your business wearing messy buns and sweatpants. Which is definitely on my Dream Job Wishlist.  

During this FREE Masterclass, I’m going to show you how to turn ice cold audiences into spicy (🌶️) hot leads.

The kind of leads that are ready to buy from you, promote your products, and even lock arms by joining your team and helping you build an empire.

All without you fighting for their attention.
Nuh-uh. With this system, you’ll learn how to attract all the right people to your business.

It doesn’t matter if the market is good, bad, or really ugly.

Or if we’re teetering on wave 3 of a Global Pandemic.

Best of all, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been in this business game for a minute or have absolutely zero experience.

The Recruiting Secrets Masterclass is designed to get those prospective recruits from #ColdtoSoldBaby! 



  • Build a sustainable, profitable online-based business without spending hours online posting and commenting on social media
  • Position yourself as a marketplace leader even if you’re just getting started with your online business (and have no experience)
  • Widen the gap between you and the competition so you become the only logical choice for customers looking to buy
  • ​Become irresistible to prospects so they COME TO YOU asking about your business (that’s right, we don’t chase people ‘round these parts)
And do it all without…
  • Cold calling your contact list, throwing (virtual) home parties or sitting through late night hotel meetings.
  • Mindlessly messaging strangers online to get them interested in your business... just to be told “No thanks” for the umpteenth time that hour .
  • Hassling friends, family and the mailman about joining your opportunity or buying your products .

Here’s the official bio, written in the 3rd person – because that way, it doesn’t sound conceited at all. 😉

Karla has reached the top ranks of 6 network marketing companies, all without pitching her friends and family, going to meetings, parties, cold messaging people on social, or any of that rigamarole.

She’s written two best-selling books (one with Brian Tracy).

Owned her own network marketing company. (She hated that one.)

Been voted into the Top 50 Internet Marketers in the Direct Sales industry.

Karla has created some of the most popular digital courses in the network marketing industry, including Top Producer Academy, Social Automate It, and others, PLUS she runs a high-level coaching program, “Top Producer Mastermind.”

Karla also holds some of the industry’s most attended online livestreams, Top Producer Roadmap.

When she not bossing people around in her business, or taking care of her clients and students, Karla likes traveling, eating in great restaurants, or spending time with her ever-tolerant husband.  She speaks English fluently (her first language), and knows how to make reservations and order food in more than 5 other languages.

Karla lives in Palm Springs, California, and sometimes, in August, when it’s 118 degrees… wonders why.